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- In observance of Presidents Day, the NSPIRES Help Desk will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025.

Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences 2020 (ROSES-2020) Close

Number: NNH20ZDA001N
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Closed


  • NOTICE: May 22, 2020: The ROSES-2020 Summary of Solicitation has been clarified to set this default rule for all ROSES-2020 proposals regarding the use of acronyms: If an acronym used in the page limited Scientific/Technical/Management (S/T/M) section needs to be defined, it must be defined within the S/T/M section at least the first time it is used. That is, proposers may not define acronyms solely in a list outside of the page-limited S/T/M section. If and only if acronyms are defined within the S/T/M section, may an acronym list also be provided outside of the S/T/M section.