D.14 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation OpportunitiesClose

Number: NNH22ZDA001N-ROMAN
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Past


  • NOTICE: December 21, 2022. A question and answer document has been posted to the right under "Other Documents".
  • NOTICE: Amended December 16, 2022. This amendment releases the final text for this program element, which had previously been released as draft for community comment. Notices of Intent are requested by January 20, 2023, and the proposal due date is March 21, 2023. A Frequently Asked Questions document will be posted under other documents on the NSPIRES page for this program element. Please send any questions regarding this final text to Dominic.Benford@nasa.gov, with the subject line "D.14 Roman Clarification". This program element is participating in the Inclusion Plan Program; see Section 4.6. This Inclusion Plan will not be part of the adjectival ratings nor of selection recommendations for this opportunity. Each proposal will fall into one of three categories: (Wide Field Science, described in Section 2.2; Project Infrastructure Teams, described in Section 2.3; Coronagraph Community Participation Program, described in Section 2.4). Information about the Roman mission relating to proposals, and with which all proposers should be familiar, is in Section 3. Specific guidelines on proposal submission are in Section 4. Forward guidance to set expectations for the PIs of selected proposals are provided in Section 5.
  • Since the release of the draft solicitation and in response to the many comments and questions received, many changes have been made to this final text that would be too numerous to describe in detail. The substance of the solicitation is unchanged. Several sections have been significantly adjusted, however: *A brief description of the purpose of this opportunity has been inserted as the beginning of Section 1. *Additional topical areas were added to the Coronagraph Community Participation Program in Section 2.4.2. *The Document Library section (3.2) is more detailed, and the online document library itself is updated; some material on the notional Roman observing program from Section 3.3 has been relocated there. *Section 3.9 on NASA-provided computing resources has been augmented. *Section 4 has been reordered for chronological clarity. *Section 4.4 has been added to clarify expectations on the description of investigation management. *Section 4.6 on the Inclusion Plan has been rewritten.
  • The description of the specific proposal opportunity on this page is contained in the document 'D.14 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunities'. The document 'D.1 Astrophysics Research Program Overview' describes research activities within the NASA science division that is managing the specific proposal opportunity on this page and may impose requirements upon proposals submitted to this program element. The document 'Summary of Solicitation' describes the common requirements for all ROSES-2022 proposal opportunities. The document 'Table 1' contains the proposal check list from the Summary of Solicitation. The documents 'Table 2' and 'Table 3' contain the list of all proposal opportunities and their due dates, sort by (full or Step-2) proposal due date or appendix number, respectively. All of these documents are kept up to date and incorporate amendments, clarifications, and corrections in a clearly identifiable manner.