E.9 Space Biology Research StudiesClose

Number: NNH22ZDA001N-SBR
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Closed


  • NOTICE: Clarified March 16, 2023. This program element has been updated with additional instructions and requirements regarding the acquisition and use of lunar regolith simulant and Apollo regolith samples for proposed projects. The following changes from the previous version of this program element should be noted: 1) Section 2 now identifies specific regolith simulants that investigators will be required to use for their proposed simulant studies; 2) Section 2.3.1. has been updated to provide more information about these specific simulants and required use; 3) Section has been updated to describe additional information that must be included in a proposal’s Scientific/Technical Section; 4) Sections and 5 have both been updated with new instructions for the preparation of the proposal budget and total budget PDF, respectively; 5) Table E.9-B in Section 4.2.2 has been updated to contain language that clarifies what letters of support are required for proposing PIs who do not have their own lab space at the proposing organization (i.e. if they are Postdocs or in a trainee position); 6) Section 6.2 has been updated with new criteria to be evaluated during the Step-2 compliance review; 7) Section 7.1 has been updated to include additional information regarding post award negotiations before the start of funding. New text is in bold, deleted text is struck through. The proposal due date is unchanged.
  • NOTICE: Amended February 15, 2023. The due dates for Step-1 and Step-2 proposals have been delayed: Step-1 proposals are now due February 22, 2023, and Step-2 proposals are now due May 17, 2023.
  • January 5, 2023. A small change was made to the phrasing in Section 2.3.2 of E.9 Space Biology Research about the timing of the release of the details for requests for access to genuine lunar regolith. New text is in bold, deleted text is struck through.
  • NOTICE: Amended December 16, 2022. This amendment presents final text for this program element which was previously TBD. Proposals to this program will be submitted by a binding two-step process in which the Notice of Intent is replaced by a mandatory Step-1 proposal that must be submitted by an organization's Authorized Organizational Representative. Only proposers who submit a Step-1 proposal are eligible to submit a Step-2 (full) proposal. See Section 4.2 of this program element. Step-1 proposals may be submitted via Grants.gov or NSPIRES. Step-2 Proposals must be submitted via NSPIRES.
  • The description of the specific proposal opportunity on this page is contained in the document 'E.9 Space Biology Research'. The document 'E.1 Biological and Physical Sciences Division Research Overview' describes research activities within the NASA science division that is managing the specific proposal opportunity on this page and may impose requirements upon proposals submitted to this program element. The document 'Summary of Solicitation' describes the common requirements for all ROSES-2022 proposal opportunities. The document 'Table 1' contains the proposal check list from the Summary of Solicitation. The documents 'Table 2' and 'Table 3' contain the list of all proposal opportunities and their due dates, sort by (full or Step-2) proposal due date or appendix number, respectively. All of these documents are kept up to date and incorporate amendments, clarifications, and corrections in a clearly identifiable manner.