A.54 Earth Venture Suborbital-4Close

Number: NNH22ZDA001N-EVS4
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Past


  • NOTICE: Question and Answer was updated on 04/21/2023 and it may be updated periodically.
  • NOTICE: December 19, 2022 responses to questions and comments on the draft solicitation have been posted under "Other Documents" to the right. You may need to scroll down to see it.
  • NOTICE: December 13, 2022. This amendment releases final text and due dates for this program element, which was previously released as a draft. Proposers are advised to read the final program element text carefully as there have been many changes between the draft and final text. Changes made between the draft and final text, will be enumerated in the responses to questions and comments from EVS4 draft under other documents on this NSPIRES page. We anticipate that a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for this final EVS-4 ROSES call will also be posted on this NSPIRES page. Mandatory Step-1 Proposals are due February 28, 2023, and Step-2 Proposals are due April 27, 2023. This program element is only soliciting science concept proposals. Step-2 proposals submitted to this program will be evaluated using a dual-anonymous review process. Proposals must be prepared according to the guidelines in Section 3.4 and in the associated "Guidelines for Anonymous Proposals" document under "Other Documents" on this NSPIRES page. Unlike traditional proposals, proposals submitted to this program will only be permitted to include a small team (the PI and up to 2 Deputy PIs). Step-2 Proposals require the separate upload of multiple components, given in Section 3.2.2. Some traditional elements, such as a budget and a data management plan, are not required. This program element is participating in the Inclusion Plan Program, see Section 3.2.4. The assessment of this Inclusion Plan will not be part of the adjectival ratings nor selection recommendations for this opportunity.
  • The description of the specific proposal opportunity on this page is contained in the document 'A.54 Earth Venture Suborbital-4'. The document 'A.1 Earth Science Research Program Overview' describes research activities within the NASA science division that is managing the specific proposal opportunity on this page and may impose requirements upon proposals submitted to this program element. The document 'Summary of Solicitation' describes the common requirements for all ROSES-2022 proposal opportunities. The document 'Table 1' contains the proposal check list from the Summary of Solicitation. The documents 'Table 2' and 'Table 3' contain the list of all proposal opportunities and their due dates, sort by (full or Step-2) proposal due date or appendix number, respectively. All of these documents are kept up to date and incorporate amendments, clarifications, and corrections in a clearly identifiable manner.