C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology ResearchClose

Number: NNH22ZDA001N-ICAR
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Past


  • August 1, 2022. When it was released by amendment on May 16, 2022, the bold notice at the top of C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR) erroneously referred to 6-page Step-1 proposals. In fact, as indicated in multiple locations in the text of C.20 ICAR, the Step-1 proposals are 5 pages.
  • NOTICE: Amended May 16, 2022. This Amendment releases final text for this program element which was previously listed as TBD. 5-page [page count corrected August 1, 2022] Step-1 proposals are due September 15, 2022, and 25-page Step-2 proposals are due January 10, 2023. This program element uses a two-step proposal submission process, in which team members may not be added after Step-1. Proposals to this program element must provide a relevance statement, see Section 2.5 of this program element. Proposals that do not fulfill this requirement may be returned without review. Please See Section 2 for a list of program specific requirements. Participants on awards selected via this program element will become members of the Astrobiology Program Research Coordination Networks that are relevant to their selected research. For more information about these networks, see Section 2.12 of this program element.
  • The description of the specific proposal opportunity on this page is contained in the document 'C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research'. The document 'C.1 Planetary Science Research Program Overview' describes research activities within the NASA science division that is managing the specific proposal opportunity on this page and may impose requirements upon proposals submitted to this program element. The document 'Summary of Solicitation' describes the common requirements for all ROSES-2022 proposal opportunities. The document 'Table 1' contains the proposal check list from the Summary of Solicitation. The documents 'Table 2' and 'Table 3' contain the list of all proposal opportunities and their due dates, sort by (full or Step-2) proposal due date or appendix number, respectively. All of these documents are kept up to date and incorporate amendments, clarifications, and corrections in a clearly identifiable manner.