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- In observance of Presidents Day, the NSPIRES Help Desk will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025.

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship/08 Renewal Close

Number: NESSF08R
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Closed


  • PIs disregard warnings asking to upload CVs and various attachments in other locations. All required proposal elements which are not part of the NSPIRES cover page form must be combined into as a single .pdf document and uploaded on the NSPIRES site as a single .pdf document for submission.
  • Disregard the Generate button; it is not part of the submission process. To release the full proposal to the organization the PI must click 'Release to Org' button.
  • Proposals as New Applications Due February 1, 2008 , Proposals as Renewal (2nd and 3rd year) Applications Due March 14, 2008
  • In order to open the survey form, please click on the "Survey Form on Application Process" link, save as "survey.rtf" to your computer. To help improve the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship application on-line service, we ask that you complete the survey and E-mail it to nspires-help@nasaprs.com Subject line: "NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program Survey".