Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums (CP4SMP)Close

Number: NNH08ZNE006N
Directorate: Office of STEM Engagement
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Past


  • Question #16 of the Program Specific Data document does not allow the proposer to select either of the first five NASA Centers (ARC, DFRC, GRC, GSFC, JPL). If you are trying to include one or more of these in response to Question #16, please indicate this in the text box for Question #17. Then you should proceed with answering Question #17. For example, your response to Question #17 could look like the following: For Question #16: ARC, GRC Other NASA partners include:
  • Table of Contents – Include your one to two page table of content in your desired placement order. Please link all of your submitting documents (including the table of contents) and upload as one PDF file.