A.48 Commercial Satellite Data Earth Science Research and ApplicationsClose

Number: NNH24ZDA001N-CESRA
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Research Announcement
Status: Open


  • January 27, 2025. An error in the bold notice at the top of A.48 Commercial Satellite Data Earth Science Research and Applications has been corrected. The Step-1 proposal due date is February 14, not February 15, 2025. The ROSES-24 Tables of due dates showed the correct date, it was only wrong in the bold notice.
  • NOTICE: Amended January 21, 2025. The requirement for biographical information has been removed from the Step-1 proposal, see Section 4.1. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through.
  • NOTICE: Amended January 14, 2025. The due dates for this program have been delayed. Step-1 proposals are now due February 14, 2025, and Step-2 proposals are now due April 9, 2025.
  • NOTICE: December 23, 2024. A question and answer document and slides from the December 20 telecon have both been posted under other documents on the right side of this NSPIRES page
  • NOTICE: Amended December 12, 2024. This Amendment releases final text for this program element now entitled Commercial Satellite Data Earth Science Research and Applications. The name and scope have changed from the previously released TBD placeholder. This program element uses a two-step proposal submission process, see Section 4.2. 5-page not anonymized Step-1 Proposal PDFs are due Friday, January 31, 2025, and anonymized 12-page Step-2 Proposals are due Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Step-2 Proposals will be evaluated using dual-anonymous peer review, see Section 4.3. There will be a telecon for prospective proposers on Friday, December 20, 2024, at 2-3 PM Eastern Time. Connection information for this meeting is in Section 6.2.
  • The description of the specific proposal opportunity on this page is contained in the document 'A.48 Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition New Vendor Onramp Evaluation'. The document 'A.1 Earth Science Research Program Overview' describes research activities within the NASA science division that is managing the specific proposal opportunity on this page and may impose requirements upon proposals submitted to this program element. The document 'Summary of Solicitation' describes the common requirements for all ROSES-2024 proposal opportunities. The document 'Table 1' contains the proposal check list from the Summary of Solicitation. The documents 'Table 2' and 'Table 3' contain the list of all proposal opportunities and their due dates, sorted by (full or Step-2) proposal due date or appendix number, respectively. All of these documents are kept up to date and incorporate amendments, clarifications, and corrections in a clearly identifiable manner.