2023 Astrophysics Probe Explorer Announcement of OpportunityClose

Number: NNH23ZDA021O
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: Announcement of Opportunity
Status: Past


  • NOTICE: September 8, 2023. The Astrophysics Probe Explorer (APEX) AO has been amended. A number of changes have been made. These are summarized in both the amendment document posted on this page and near the beginning of the amended AO document. Changes within the AO text are noted using bold font or strikethrough. The due dates are unchanged.
  • The Pre-Proposal Conference has been scheduled from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT/UTC-04:00) on Friday, August 18, 2023. Participation will be via Webex (presentation materials, audio, and text and verbal questions) and teleconference (audio and verbal questions). No travel is required to attend the conference as it will be completely virtual. Potential proposers to the APEX Announcement of Opportunity are encouraged to participate in this Pre-Proposal Conference. Information will be presented by NASA officials. Participants will have the opportunity to pose questions regarding the opportunities.