Expressions of interest for No-Cost Participation in / Contributions to the INjected Smoke and PYRocumulonimbus Experiment Science TeamClose

Number: NNH25ZDA005L
Directorate: Science Mission Directorate
Type: NASA Announcement
Status: Due in 30 Days


  • NOTICE: Amended January 9, 2025. This amendment delays the due date for this opportunity to February 11, 2025.
  • NOTICE: INSPYRE is one of six mission concepts selected as part of NASA’s fourth Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS-4) program. This call for expressions of interest to utilize excess flight capabilities as well as foreign and other no-cost contributors is complementary to the ROSES-24 program element A.61 INjected Smoke and PYRocumulonimbus Experiment Science Team. This call for expressions of interest is only for additional analyses beyond those addressing INSPYRE’s main objectives and science questions. All contributors (foreign and domestic) who plan to provide high-priority remote sensing or in-situ measurements that are critical to analyses addressing INSPYRE’s main objectives and science questions must submit a formal proposal via the ROSES-24 A.61 program element, even if it has no budget.